loving to...


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fill in the blanks

Think about space, escaping, hiding spaces, building a house on a moving object. thriving in departure zones like bus stations and airports. standing still in a dust storm or at the top of Martin Place. waiting watching. think about closing your eyes and imagine running so fast. you breathe fast, start gasping for air and you haven't moved a muscle. lying at the bottom of the pool and looking up through the water. diving. listening to your breath. closing your eyes.

then think about construction/fabrication/make up masks/costumes/houses.

games/ ladders/interiors/superfluous decoration and the definition of O.T.T . and imagine how much you can hide under that distraction, colourful beautiful creative mess.

to view my art please visit www.amandahumphries.com

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

宮永 愛子 ⁄ MIYANAGA Aiko

宮永 愛子 ⁄ MIYANAGA Aiko

Miyanaga is known for installation using things such as salt, and especially objects made with naphthalene that are pulled into the shape of daily commodities. She visualizes time by tracing signs of it's presence.

I experienced her work when i was in Tokyo last year...I was lucky enough to catch the tail end of The Nact Annual Show (National Art Centre Tokyo) and was super excited inspired when i saw her work. It is everything I want to talk about and she opens this topic up, clearly, quietly!
temporality is the heart of my own practice/philosophy,and even though i don't express this in any other form than my diary and uni day projects (San diego 9yrs ago)it will be coming soon.

so enjoy her expression. it really is nothing like seeing it in reality...

STATEMENT: Miyanaga Aiko

My works change. ------ That is not extraordinary at all.

   Nothing remains the same even for a moment:
   valuable works of art, the things beside us,
   and the intangible sentiments of people.
   Everything continuously undergoes subtle changes.

   In the case of my works, they shift not as fast as melting ice,
   or as slowly as a weathering Greek sculpture.
   There are no endings or beginnings in them.

   Your imagination as a viewer determines how my works appear.
   The way my creation shifts unveils the fragility and uncertainty of the moment,
   and tells us how powerful our memory can be.

   I do not mean my works should fade away.
   I would like them to remain.
   They may not be masterpieces that will be handed down forever.
   Yet, I would like them to stay in your mind forever.


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