loving to...


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fill in the blanks

Think about space, escaping, hiding spaces, building a house on a moving object. thriving in departure zones like bus stations and airports. standing still in a dust storm or at the top of Martin Place. waiting watching. think about closing your eyes and imagine running so fast. you breathe fast, start gasping for air and you haven't moved a muscle. lying at the bottom of the pool and looking up through the water. diving. listening to your breath. closing your eyes.

then think about construction/fabrication/make up masks/costumes/houses.

games/ ladders/interiors/superfluous decoration and the definition of O.T.T . and imagine how much you can hide under that distraction, colourful beautiful creative mess.

to view my art please visit www.amandahumphries.com

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Raqs Media Collectiveʼs and ISBN:1 87069993 9 a great confusing communist style reading break

(on the other hand)

(RMC below is cut and paste again I am afraid but love the triangular consciousness visual :)I am reading a book called "MAKE EVERYTHING NEW` a project on communism" where there is this wonderful disconnected dialogue going on, even the layout of the text is split over a page,two stories running continuously side by side, disconnected over the length of the book. I still haven't quite gotten it...but it seems they have made a collective confused consciousness/unconsciousness throughout, they have extracted and abstracted the term communism, as if it is a point of departure to play with, not obeying the serious weight the term generally implies: maybe these guys below connect a little: with the collective thing, half delivered dialogue...we are an information cut- paste -memory nation, not so much a processor of thought..well according most teachers I have listened to of late...this could be more relevant than we think...hmm. need to process.

Raqs Media Collectiveʼs talks began manifesting themselves as a way of sharing notes from research and backstories of artworks with their publics in different parts of the world: in order to tell stories, and leave them half told, with space and time for listeners to fill them in as they fancied.

Since 1992, Raqs has traversed a varied terrain—from video to installation, to text image assemblages, to performance and encounters, to online media objects—Monica Narula, Jeebesh Bagchi, Shuddhabrata Sengupta see different forms and disciplines like chemists would see elements, or a biologist the natural world. By combining elements, observing mutations where they occur, and keeping a close watch on the way in which the world courses through their triangular consciousness, Raqs generates motives for its continuity and its pleasure. Located at the intersections of contemporary art, historical enquiry, philosophical speculation, research and theory, Raqs lives and works in New Delhi, based at Sarai – Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (www.sarai.net), an initiative they co-founded in 2000.

They have exhibited extensively in the context of large-scale international exhibitions such as Documenta 11, the Venice Biennial, and the Liverpool Biennial and in major art spaces such as Serpentine Gallery, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, and the Walker Arts Center. Raqs were co-curators of Manifesta 7 in 2008. Seepage, a collection of their essays and image-text works, has been recently published by Sternberg Press.

MAKE COMMUNISM NEW: A PROJECT ON COMMUNISM: Some of the chapters are called: Interview with a ghost,; The the council of bees,; destructive creation, or, the communism of the senses,; future unknown: the Machiavelli for the 21st century; Joint acct no 1711601 bank of Fukuoka,Yahata branch 411.....
ISBN:1 87069993 9 book concept by Grant Watson

ok...so now I love Raqs even more than before:
this piece:

Love is engineering:Portable Object (Plexiglass, Transparency, Drawing, Text)

This limited edition portable object fuses transparencies of mechanical drawing encased in plexiglass sheets, the clouded light of dawn and the rudimentary text of the screenplay of an imaginary film sequence to speak of the quotidian battle between love and time, fought over the delicate terms of the silent departure of a man from his lover's bed

^ so for the complete (well from the limitations of living in a shed or if you too cannot teleport yourself through space and time to get to these shows, this website is one soothing hit of one art ecstacy expression after another...sigh....communication I love you!

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