This project is so much fun. The images I have posted are a little prototypes for some sculptures I am going to start as soon as I play and navigate my way around how to express the idea better.
I love sewing, threading. Laborious repetitive processes, the idea of suspended space, giving space a physicality, and accessible solids (like an x-ray vision into an inaccessible space. Interactive but not integrated (you cannot enter the space of the artwork, so there are invisible barriers) like the decline of sensation in the cut paste generation. (Living on the knowledge fast track plane and not the sensory primary response plane.
(sensation simulation era)
What to put inside the block of space…? & what is suspended, situated, and relative in it /to it.
This will be determined by the direction of our collaborative body of work (exhibition 2011) (‘our’ being myself and a friend, Thomas C Chung, “somewhere/Anywhere” the idea of location, place, is our base (so far) and whether I go with an ‘objective-subjective’ division or focus simply on the suspension element. I am Enjoying creating forms that rise and fall in the space through rhythms and weight imbalances.
Outside of this, I am currently mapping the spaces between things and am obsessed with love, so no doubt
Bla bla bla…
The image below is the first draft where I wanted to connect the styro with pins. The pins were too heavy, fiddly, needed glue and looked crafty.
I then moved on to sewing, the images above are sewn in white thread in an enclosed foam space, the thirds draft will be in invisible thread and Perspex walls. Ideally, if I could fill an entire room and fill the space without barriers this would be perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Actually, if that room had see through walls…. ove will play a huge part in trying to tell my story, (or lack of) (OR investigation of