loving to...


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fill in the blanks

Think about space, escaping, hiding spaces, building a house on a moving object. thriving in departure zones like bus stations and airports. standing still in a dust storm or at the top of Martin Place. waiting watching. think about closing your eyes and imagine running so fast. you breathe fast, start gasping for air and you haven't moved a muscle. lying at the bottom of the pool and looking up through the water. diving. listening to your breath. closing your eyes.

then think about construction/fabrication/make up masks/costumes/houses.

games/ ladders/interiors/superfluous decoration and the definition of O.T.T . and imagine how much you can hide under that distraction, colourful beautiful creative mess.

to view my art please visit www.amandahumphries.com

Sunday, April 25, 2010

...anyone who ever buys my paintings!!

....goodbye vet bill - goodbye credit card bill
hello Sydney.
actually hello getting into something new- like a sculpture of a house inside a house inside a house perhaps. or building another landescape.
(background music playing loud and clear...i hear trumpets!)

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