loving to...


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fill in the blanks

Think about space, escaping, hiding spaces, building a house on a moving object. thriving in departure zones like bus stations and airports. standing still in a dust storm or at the top of Martin Place. waiting watching. think about closing your eyes and imagine running so fast. you breathe fast, start gasping for air and you haven't moved a muscle. lying at the bottom of the pool and looking up through the water. diving. listening to your breath. closing your eyes.

then think about construction/fabrication/make up masks/costumes/houses.

games/ ladders/interiors/superfluous decoration and the definition of O.T.T . and imagine how much you can hide under that distraction, colourful beautiful creative mess.

to view my art please visit www.amandahumphries.com

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

documenting last year (a year of something else):


Ceramics: November and December

Various hand built small gifts, gathered in sets of three - six pieces.

last year...

Last year was busy with other things, so I wasn't making art in the same way. I had moved to Perth, for love, yes. We have moved 4 times in the last 2 years...and had to get another job to support the change and I am now, after almost a year of time in waiting, finally set up and painting again. First day tomorrow in a new communal studio. In Perth. Something new, something a little exciting. *(three garages and a spare room and 2 verandahs later).

So I had a year of waiting. I was still making things any chance I wasn't merging my life with another's, and the nature of the work was in the style of doing some of those things I hadn't made time for in amongst exhibition deadlines in 2011 and before. I was making small gifts, revisiting commissions and revisiting old abandoned pieces, when they appeared to me in a different light. I threw most of my energy into creating useful temporal pieces.

I have posted a few images below of some of the quieter projects from 2012.