Think about space, escaping, hiding spaces, building a house on a moving object. thriving in departure zones like bus stations and airports. standing still in a dust storm or at the top of Martin Place. waiting watching. think about closing your eyes and imagine running so fast. you breathe fast, start gasping for air and you haven't moved a muscle. lying at the bottom of the pool and looking up through the water. diving. listening to your breath. closing your eyes.
then think about construction/fabrication/make up masks/costumes/houses.
games/ ladders/interiors/superfluous decoration and the definition of O.T.T . and imagine how much you can hide under that distraction, colourful beautiful creative mess.
I enjoy dissolving the lines we draw between things and softening/questioning definition.
As an artist I am concerned about the modern consumer as a subject and how it defines identity, its permanence, transience, and ultimate contradictions.
Using Games and Play as a base and falling into the vanitas philosophies of the 16th century (and a current resurgence of the theme with artists today) I am exploring ideas of invincibility, fantasy dwelling and desire, working them in with their counterpoint: temporality and decay.
Construction sites is a body of work acknowledging the constant state of flux and building in our lives, self as author and life becoming an extension of the limitless imagination; a saturation of desire, temptation, accessibility and disconnection.